Chris Cox


oil on canvas, 36" x 36"

Infinite Possibilities

oil on canvas, 36" x 48"

In The Cloud
In The Cloud

oil on canvas, 24" x 48"

Short Circuit

oil on canvas, 36" x 48"

In Tandem

oil on canvas, 30" x 48"


oil on canvas, 36" x 36"


oil on canvas, 24" x 36"

Too Much Information

oil on canvas, 36" x 48"

We are all connected in some way – through networks of friends and family, electronic networks, connections to nature and the universe, business connections, as well as millions of connections throughout the human mind and body. My current body of work explores those connections – be it in the macrocosm or the microcosm. My mark making is intuitive and filled with energy and action. The palette used reflects our diversity in life – warm and cold, bright and bold, tranquil and muted, monochromatic and full of color. I feel there is an energy that emerges from the movement in this work. I think of it somewhat as a cosmic flow.